How To Make Your Piano A Happy Piano

Posted on: 24 February 2015

If taken care of properly, pianos can last for generations. Here are three things that you need to do to make your piano happy.

Clean the Keys

Piano keys need to be dusted and cleaned often, particularly if you leave the lid up. Even if you always wash your hands before you play (which most people do not do), your piano can collect oil from your fingers, dirt, and dust. This gunk can then stick to your keys and over time it will damage them. To clean your keys:

  1. Get a clean white cloth and a solution of three parts water and one part vinegar. Never use commercial cleaners because they can damage your piano. 
  2. Dampen the cloth with water (but just barely) and pour a little bit of the solution on it. 
  3. Start at the bottom of the keys, cleaning one key at at time. Swipe towards you and never from side to side or you will risk getting water in between the keys. If the key looks damp at all, dry it off. You don't want to leave it wet, especially if the keys are wood.

Get it Tuned

At the very least, you should get your piano tuned once a year. It's best to get it tuned twice a year, though, because fluctuating temperatures (and humidity levels) can cause the strings to expand and contract. If you play your piano several times a week, you should definitely get it tuned every six months. If you don't play it very often, you can get away with tuning it once a year. Find a good piano tuner and ask them to call you every six months so that you won't forget. 

If you tune your piano often, your strings will become stronger and the tuning will be easier and cheaper. If you don't tune it often, the strings will stretch and it will be more expensive to repair them. 

Move it Properly

When you move, hire professional piano movers to move your piano. Pianos are heavy, awkward, and easy to damage. Piano movers are skilled and know how to move a piano so that it won't break. It is extremely important that you tune the piano every time you move it, since the motion can affect the strings. If you have to leave your piano in storage, consider having it stored in a special facility where it won't get damaged by dust, humidity, and temperature fluctuations. 

If you take the time to properly take care of your piano, you will be able to enjoy it for years to come. 
