Four Quick Tips For Packing Your Storage Unit More Effectively

Posted on: 26 May 2016

When you're in the midst of a busy move, it's tempting to just haphazardly dump everything in the storage facility and worry about it later. But you're going to be busy when the time comes to take things out of the unit, too – and you're not going to be happy if your things are in messy piles and are half broken. To make unpacking the unit less of a nightmare, follow these quick tips for packing your storage unit more effectively.

Stack everything on pallets.

This will prevent water damage to your items if there's a flood or if something in the next storage unit spills. You can often find pallets for free or very inexpensively if you ask around at hardware stores and big box stores in the area.

Label very thoroughly.

When the time comes to pull items out of storage, you're not going to remember if the toaster was in the red box that says "kitchen" or the yellow box that also says "kitchen." Label your boxes more thoroughly to make your life easier. List the basic items in each box on its front or top. This will cut down on the number of boxes you have to open as you search for things later.

Choose boxes of the same size.

It's so much easier to stack boxes neatly and quickly when they are all the same size. You won't have to worry so much about your towers toppling over, and you won't have to waste time hunting for the biggest boxes to put on the bottom before you can place the littler boxes on top.

Stack boxes around the edges and in the middle.

Don't just start stacking things up against the back wall and keep going 'till you reach the front. What if you need to reach those items in the back before the ones in the front? Start by creating stacks of boxes and items side-by-side along the perimeter of the unit. If you have more stuff leftover, stack it in the middle of the unit, leaving a U-shaped walking path between the border and inside stacks. This way, you can access anything at anytime without having to shuffle a bunch of stuff.

The most important thing to remember when packing your storage unit is to take your time and work methodically. Time spent now will save you time later when you have to unpack the unit.
