Should You Hire A Mover When Buying A Used Pool Table?

Posted on: 27 February 2015

If you're looking to buy a used pool table, then it makes sense to hire someone to move it for you. When you purchase a brand new pool table, the company will normally deliver it to your home. However, when you purchase a used pool table you won't have that luxury. It will normally be up to you to figure out how to get it from the sellers house to your house.

Here is some basic information to consider when buying a used pool table. 

Why Not Buy A New One And Save Yourself The Hassle?

The simple answer is cost. If you are buying a top of the line pool table, you might spend upwards of six thousand dollars. Often times, you can find used pool tables at a huge discount. The really expensive pool tables are made with slate. They are very difficult to move. So, when people move homes they often sell their pool table. You can find amazing bargains if you browse online classified sites, however you will need to arrange for a moving company to assist with the transportation.

What Are The Tree Types Of Pool Table Tops?

To understand why you need a professional mover, you have to understand the three types of pool tables. The first, and most affordable, is a plywood top pool table. They look like regular pool tables, they have felt, and bumpers, but the table itself is made of plywood. These tables are the cheapest and lightest. The problem is that they are not desirable for most serious players because he wood will warp. This problem is compounded when you consider where people often place their pool table: garage, basement, or other damp places.

The second type of pool table is slate-core. This is a pool table that has a very thin layer of slate that is sandwiched in-between two layers of plywood. The idea behind slate-core is that the slate will prevent the wood from warping too much. However, it is not a complete solution.

The third type of pool table is the slate top. These are the best. If you go to a pool hall, then odds are you will be playing on a slate top pool table. They don't warp. It doesn't matter how humid the room is, the playing surface will always remain the same. You can play pool on a slate top table for years. A plywood top will eventually warp, which will ruin your game.

Slate Sounds Good, What's The Drawback?

A slate pool table might weight 600 or 700 pounds. That huge weight, coupled with the large size of the table, makes them hard to move. Even if you get a few friends to help, you have to be extremely careful about how to move it. If you drop the table when loading it into your van, you can crack the slate. This would ruin the table.

Rather than try and move a 700-pound table, hire professional movers. Moving companies have the staff who are trained to move large objects. Additionally, they will have the proper tools: dollies, tie-downs, and blankets. You can have carry the pool table out of the sellers home, load it into their truck, and brought to your house. Then you can have them position the pool table exactly where you want. This is especially helpful if you have stairs, narrow hallways, or other issues that make it hard to move large objects.
